Saturday Feb 15th, 2025. 10am-5pm in Broomfield
This is an indoor classroom and scenario room course with no live ammunition. We use UTM non-marking rounds (same as the Military and Law Enforcement use for training) on modified Glock model pistols for the scenarios. All equipment for the scenarios and shooting portions will be provided at no extra cost. You will use your own handgun, holster, and magazines for the rest of the course, with no live ammunition allowed in the building. If you don’t have a handgun, holster, or magazines, we can loan you those too for a small additional fee! (indicate when registering).
CHP+: Concealed Handgun Permit Certification Plus (sometimes referred to as a CCW incorrectly in CO).
What’s the Plus?
This class FAR exceeds the training standards and requirements you need to apply for your Concealed Handgun Permit in Colorado. You will receive a certificate that meets the requirements for documentation, but so much more training than that. The class is great for a very beginners, hobbyists, or even experienced shooters and those who ALREADY have a permit, but don’t feel the training they received somewhere else was enough. Regardless of whether you intend to apply for your permit or not, this is a MUST DO class. Lunch is included in your registration!
Included in this class:
- Firearms Safety (the only State requirement for a certificate!)
- Legal carry, legal use-of-force, and ramifications (exclusively at CO Krav Maga)
- Body Language of violence study (exclusively at CO Krav Maga)
- De-escalation section (exclusively at CO Krav Maga)
- Basic semi-automatic pistol familiarization, operation and nomenclature
- Basics of shooting; Stance, Grip, Sighting, marksmanship
- Drawing from a holster
- Carry options
- Practical Drills that go beyond other normal CHP classes (exclusively at CO Krav Maga)
- Draw and aim under stress (exclusively at CO Krav Maga)
- Clearing malfunctions
- Cover and Concealment
- Clearing the rooms in your home
- Scenario Training with simulated firearms and live actors! (exclusively at CO Krav Maga)